Wednesday, June 25, 2008

MIS Definition

MIS (management information systems) is a general term for the computer systems in an enterprise that provide information about its business operations. It's also used to refer to the people who manage these systems. Typically, in a large corporation, "MIS" or the "MIS department" refers to a central or centrally-coordinated system of computer expertise and management, often including mainframe systems but also including by extension the corporation's entire network of computer resources.

Monday, June 23, 2008

question #3

Justify or contradict that these trends by citing examples...

Companies are using MIS as competitive strategy...

Companies are using MIS as competitive strategy because it can give & help them a lot to gather a specific information, plan & decide easily. An example is like computers, an employees will easily determine if what she/he looking for & cannot waste time.

question #2

How can the managers & employees make use of information as a strategic/competitive advantage over their competitors?

Strategic plan is very important because it makes the work more easier & possible. Through competitors a manager will strive hard to face all trials & problems to be encountered. MIS will give great help to the managers to have an open communication with each employees through sharing of ideas & suggestions. In business it has the advantage to have a knowledge in business information to be succeed...

Thursday, June 12, 2008

My ideas about MIS

MIS needs to have a qualities of information to follow in order to understand well the real meaning of MIS, it has accurate & verifiable,complete,timely, &relevant...