Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Midterm,question #01

Research 1 company that makes use of E-commerce. Describe the nature of this company in 1-2 paragraphs.Identify then, how does this company use e-commerce to achieve strategic advantage. Describe the benefits derived from this strategy.


Parts of Raytheon have been using e-commerce since 1969. Several of Raytheon's internal application systems have been redesigned for compatibility with doing business electronically. Raytheon has been actively represented on industry standards committees since 1982. Raytheon has a rich portfolio of transaction sets that can be traded electronicallyElectronic commerce tools and technologies are essential in the development of world class electronic processes within Raytheon Company. Raytheon encourages the use of electronic trading partner relationships throughout the entire Business-to-Business (B2B) environment. Suppliers and other Trading Partners are encouraged to work with Raytheon to build an electronic commerce relationship.

After a business case is established for doing electronic commerce with a trading partner, the process starts with a Trading Partner Agreement (TPA) between Raytheon and the trading partner. We agree upon the documents to be exchanged, the data format to be used, the method of transportation, and the timing of the information exchange. The TPA addresses document content only to the extent of the data elements that must be transmitted within a document to be transmitted between the parties (e.g., ship-to address is a required field). It does not address the business content (e.g., ship-to-address must contain fully-spelled out street names). The trading partner and Raytheon may also have other agreements that cover this business content. A TPA does not alter or affect these other agreements in any way.

Raytheon’s corporate Electronic Commerce (ES&S Integration Services) team will make the necessary preparations on the Raytheon side to process the documents without human intervention. The Raytheon ES&S Integration Services team works with the Raytheon application personnel to create electronic business document(s), such as a purchase order or an invoice, for a business application. Document data is passed from the business application to the corporate electronic commerce processing center. From there, the document data will be converted into the agreed electronic format and distributed to the trading partner. Electronic documents submitted by the trading partner will be converted from the agreed electronic format into the application system’s required format and distributed to the business application for processing.In addition to its more well-known advantages as the only combat-proven aircraft competing for the Joint Cargo Aircraft (JCA) program and the only one certified by military authorities and the Federal Aviation Administration, Team JCA offers another strategic advantage to the JCA program: fuel efficiency

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

question #6

Research one multinational corporation like Proctor & gamble, Uniliver, IEM, Microsoft, Honda & etc. Identify & describe how thier subsidiaries are managed & how techonology has assisted them in thier corporate & or Local operations, further, identify one Philippine company that has gone worlwide (eg. Jollibee & Bench) & describe thier strategies, evaluate the stategies of companies w/ that of Philippines corporation.

About McDonald's...

McDonald's...Is the leading global foodservice retailer with more than 30,000 local restaurants serving 52 million people in more than 10For us at McDonald’s, corporate responsibility is about who we are and how we operate in the diverse communities in which we serve. It’s about the doors we open for our guests, our employees, our owner/operators, our suppliers and others who are affected by our business 0r countries each day. More than 70% of McDonald's restaurants worldwide are owned and operated by independent local men and women.
While McDonald's Corporation appreciates companies and suppliers who take their time to send us corporate information and propositions for business alliances, the large volume of unsolicited business proposals received by McDonald's precludes acknowledgement of this information. It is our policy to initiate contact with outside suppliers on as needed basis.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

question #5

As a future manager, what is your computer ethics program. Justify each activity needed...

My computer ethics program to be implement is to have a flash screen in order that in times of meetings of officers in an organization , it has been already program or registered, & everyone will read it only without waiting or wasting time in distributing those copies of proposal.
the manager can start easily & end the meeting earlier...

question #4

If you are just a student of RMMC & not currently working, cite a manual procedure here in our school w/c you prefer to computerize. Describe how this system should function & how can this help the employees & the student of

I suggest that instead using card catalog, we will use computer to computerize for locating or seeking the titles of the book we are looking for, for an immediate services. It makes the student help to find her/his research for a minutes only & also to the assigned librarian or working student...