Tuesday, September 30, 2008

final blogpost no.05

As a topic before, KBS, DSS & VO, identify & describe 1 company that adopts an MIS. Include in your discussion how MIS help & support the company, it managers & other employees in thier problem solving & decision making.


Nokia is the world leader in mobility, driving the transformation & growth of the converging Internet & Communicating industries. it tells about enhancing communication & exploring new ways to exchange information.
Nokia devotes substantial time and resources to creating standards and specifications for the communications industry. We promote open standards that match our customers' needs. Below you can find brief descriptions of those cooperation forums as well as standard and specification making and promoting bodies in which Nokia sees specific interest and opportunity, and also where our participation is most active.
Nokia is the world leader in mobile communications. Backed by its experience, innovation, user-friendliness and secure solutions, the company has become the leading supplier of mobile phones and a leading supplier of mobile, fixed broadband and IP networks. By adding mobility to the Internet, Nokia creates new opportunities for companies and further enriches the daily lives of people. Nokia is one of the most broadly held companies in the world with listings on six major exchanges.
  • Nokia adopts MIS by the term technology it helps much in communicating industries w/c give a specific information & make every individuals work more easier & faster. Nokia is a telecommunication w/c give & help greater career opportunities. It gives an immediate response in every individuals to get the right information to make decision.

Further information:
Communications Department, Nokia Networks
Tel. + 358 7180 38195
E-mail nokia.networks@nokia.com

final blogpost no.4

1.describe or define KBS (the Knowledge Based System)

-Knowledge-based system as a computer system that is programmed to imitate human problem-solving by means of artificial intelligence and reference to a database of knowledge on a particular subject.
Knowledge-based systems are systems based on the methods and techniques of Artificial Intelligence.

2.Distinguish KBS from MIS

-KBS are the knowledge base and the inference mechanisms,it uses methods and techniques of artificial while MIS it used in business environment as a generic references to all technology, procedures, systems, people associated w/ computers & info. processing.

3. Illustrate (give ex.) how KBS can improve company competitive advantage & org. performance.

-KBS can improve company competitive advantage & org. performance by introducing such technology into the workplace and public life, expert systems, application of knowledge-based methods, integration with conventional technologies, software tools for KBS construction, decision-support mechanisms, user interactions, organisational issues, knowledge acquisition, knowledge representation, languages and programming environments, knowledge-based implementation techniques and system architectures.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

final blogpost no.03

1.The Virtual Office
-is a term for shared office services, which normally includes business address, mail & courier services, phone services, fax services, answering services, web-hosting services, and meeting & conference facilities. Is also a common term for an environment that enables a network of co-workers to run a business efficiently by using nothing other than online communication technologies.[3]

2.Distinguish VO from MIS

-Mobile or remote work-environment equipped with telecommunication links and basic office furniture, but without a fixed office space, Management Information System is the system of persons, data records and activities that process the data and information in a given organization, including manual processes or automated processes.3. Illustrate (give ex. how VO can improve company competitive advantage & org. performance

3. Illustrate (give ex. how VO can improve company competitive advantage & org. performance.

-Superiority gained by a firm when it can provide the same value as its competitors but at a lower price , or can charge higher prices by providing greater value through differentiation . Competitive advantage results from matching core competencies to the opportunities.

final blogpost no.02

1.The Decision Support System

-A system that supports technological and managerial decision making by assisting in the organization of knowledge about ill-structured, semistructured, or unstructured issues. A structured issue has a framework comprising elements and relations between them that are known and understood. Structured issues are generally ones about which an individual has considerable experiential familiarity. A decision support system (DSS) is not intended to provide support to humans about structured issues since little cognitively based decision support is generally needed.
Decisions may be described as structured or unstructured, depending upon whether or not the decision-making process can be explicitly described prior to its execution. Generally, operational performance decisions are more likely than strategic planning decisions to be prestructured.

2.Distinguish DSS from MIS
-decision support systems are a set of manual or computer-based tools that assist in some decision-making activity. In today's business environment, however, decision support systems (DSS) are commonly understood to be computerized management information systems designed to help business owners, executives, and managers resolve complicated business problems and/or questions.
MIS' is a planned system of collecting, processing, storing and disseminating data in the form of information needed to carry out the functions of management.

3.Illustrate (give ex.) how DSS can improve company competitive advantage & org. performance.

-DSS is extensively used in business and management. Executive dashboard and other business performance software allow faster decision making, identification of negative trends, and better allocation of business resources.
DSS software furnishes support to the accountant in the decision-making process. It analyzes a specific situation and can be modified as the practitioner wishes. Models are constructed and decisions analyzed. Planning and forecasting are facilitated that can help improve company competitive advantage.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

final blogpost no.1

HAVILL Company

Havill’s MIS group offers an array of database development, mining, and modeling services to help with these problems. Filling the most elementary need, the MIS group can help you build a central sales and marketing database using D&B, third party, and proprietary prospect data sources. Next, potential sales opportunity can be attached to each prospect record using a data enhancement model designed for your product. Good Customer models are used to identify the prospects that look most like your best customers. Marketing Channel models help you identify prospects that look most like customers acquired through a specific marketing channel. Direct Mail and Telemarketing Response Models developed by the MIS group are designed to improve direct marketing campaign response rates.

Havill’s MIS group can append useful business demographics to your existing customer database, then use that information to build a profile of those customers. This profile, or template, can then be applied to a prospect database to identify prospects that fit the same demographic profile as your existing customers. This approach is especially useful when the existing customer data set has fewer than 10,000 records. A more sophisticated approach can be taken with larger customer data sets. Using historical sales information in your customer database, a model can be developed to forecast sales opportunity associated with each prospect. Or, in a similar sense, each prospect can be scored to identify how well it resembles your best customers.
Phils. can applied this by providing creative and mail drop services and will coordinate their efforts for you, providing you with a one-stop-shop

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