Wednesday, September 24, 2008

final blogpost no.02

1.The Decision Support System

-A system that supports technological and managerial decision making by assisting in the organization of knowledge about ill-structured, semistructured, or unstructured issues. A structured issue has a framework comprising elements and relations between them that are known and understood. Structured issues are generally ones about which an individual has considerable experiential familiarity. A decision support system (DSS) is not intended to provide support to humans about structured issues since little cognitively based decision support is generally needed.
Decisions may be described as structured or unstructured, depending upon whether or not the decision-making process can be explicitly described prior to its execution. Generally, operational performance decisions are more likely than strategic planning decisions to be prestructured.

2.Distinguish DSS from MIS
-decision support systems are a set of manual or computer-based tools that assist in some decision-making activity. In today's business environment, however, decision support systems (DSS) are commonly understood to be computerized management information systems designed to help business owners, executives, and managers resolve complicated business problems and/or questions.
MIS' is a planned system of collecting, processing, storing and disseminating data in the form of information needed to carry out the functions of management.

3.Illustrate (give ex.) how DSS can improve company competitive advantage & org. performance.

-DSS is extensively used in business and management. Executive dashboard and other business performance software allow faster decision making, identification of negative trends, and better allocation of business resources.
DSS software furnishes support to the accountant in the decision-making process. It analyzes a specific situation and can be modified as the practitioner wishes. Models are constructed and decisions analyzed. Planning and forecasting are facilitated that can help improve company competitive advantage.

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